Pick up a reusable water bottle and try to fill and drink it at least three times a day. |
Ditch the Soda
You have to start somewhere, and what better way to start your journey to a healthy lifestyle than by cutting out the one thing that's making you feel your worst?
This is how I started to get back on track when it comes to my health. Before I started my new way of life, I was drinking 2-3 cans of soda per day. Not only is the soda making you feel lethargic and lazy, but it's also making you gain weight and doing damage to your skin.
If you are like me, ditching soda isn't something that comes easy. For me, it was easiest to gradually stop than trying to quit cold turkey. Find a plan that works for you! Start small, try to reduce your daily intake to one soda per day. Once your body has adjusted to that change, try to only drink sodas on the weekends.
As you continue to cut it out of your diet, you'll find that your cravings will decrease and you won't crave the sugar-filled drink anymore.
After you've successfully cut it out, you'll start to see changes in your body and health pretty quickly. If you replace that soda with water, you'll see your skin start to clear up and you'll notice a difference in your weight.
One mistake people make when beginning their fitness journey's is changing the way they eat and continuing to rely on soda. One can of Coke has 39 grams of sugar in it. If you're consuming 3 cans a day, that's 117 grams of unnecessary sugar a day. Even with improving the way you eat, soda can still hold back your progress.
The sugar in these sodas could also be contributing to cellulite. After cutting out that excess sugar, combined with a few simple workouts per week, you could see a dramatic reduction in unwanted cellulite.
It won't be easy, but it's a great place to start. It doesn't require any time or effort to pick up a water bottle instead of a soda can, and it can have a serious impact on the way you feel and look.
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